
Earn money by facebook posts

Earn money by facebook posts

   Till previous few years people can not earn money by posting videos on facebook but now a days facebook pages can also be monetized. Follow these steps to know how.

1-Create a facebook page(Not profile)
2-Keep posting vedios on it.
3- But that must not be a copied content
4-When you have 10,000 followers on your page you can add your page with google adsense.
โž• and you ๐Ÿ‘‰can earn money as same as youtube.

  It is easiter to earn on facebook page as compared to youtube because a lot of views subscribers and watch hours are required there . But not in facebook page.

                                                    bye bye till next page. 

Posted by Somnath Sharma 

If you do not know what is AdSense or how to earn money from AdSense 
Watch the video ๐ŸŽฅ given  below

-What is AdSense datiled video in hindi  
Earn money by facebook posts Earn money by facebook posts Reviewed by Somnath Sharma on December 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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