
Make you computer speak what you want.

Make you computer speak what you want.

     In this post let us learn about how to make computer speak what you write in the speaking column or the box. This is to easy and you need not to download an external software just to only use your notepad in computer.

  *Open notepad in the PC.
  *Copy the below text .
  *Paste the text in notepad.
  *Save the document with extension  .vbs  

      Dim Message, sapi
               Message=InputBox("What you want to say?")
               Set  sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
               sapi.Speak  Message

  Copy and paste above code but don't forget to save with extension      .VBS and see the magic. 
Make you computer speak what you want. Make you computer speak what you want. Reviewed by Somnath Sharma on December 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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